Dd Command Examples on Linux

Dd Command Examples on Linux

The dd command, or data duplicator, is a robust and versatile utility famous for its disk manipulation features. While its primary purpose is to create disk images, it also lets you clone data, convert file formats, take backups, and more. Whether you’re a Linux beginner or an experienced user, understanding the various applications of the … Read more

How to Disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 24.04

IPv6 is the latest version of IP (Internet Protocol) to provide IP addressing and enhance the security of connected devices. However, specific applications or networks don’t support IPv6, making it hard for the user to connect the device to the server. In this case, you need to disable IPv6 from the device. So, if you … Read more

Linux open Command

Linux open Command

In this guide, we will demonstrate using the open command in Linux. Prerequisites To perform the steps demonstrated in this guide, you will need the following components: A properly configured Linux system. For testing, consider using a Linux VM. Basic understanding of the command-line interface. The open command In Linux, the open command is a … Read more

15 APT Command Examples on Linux

15 APT Command Examples on Linux

In this guide, we will demonstrate a number of ways of using the APT command on Linux. Prerequisites To perform the steps demonstrated in this guide, you will need the following components: A properly configured Linux distro that uses APT as the package manager, for example, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Devuan, etc. Basic understanding of … Read more

How To Delete a File in Linux

How To Delete a File in Linux

All UNIX-based operating systems, including Linux, follow the structure that “everything is a file.” These systems treat all the regular files, directories, processes, symbolic links, and devices like external hardware as files. You can create, modify, and delete files using the commands or from the File Manager. Deleting files is essential when you accidentally create … Read more

How to Unzip Files in Linux

How to Unzip Files in Linux

Archive(zip) files reduce space consumption to make the data transferable. That’s why most files you download from the web are in zip formats like tar, zip, and rar. However, you first need to unzip these files to access the data.  Although a few tools are available to unzip files, Linux contains simple commands that can … Read more

How To Set Logrotate on Linux

How To Set Logrotate on Linux

The Logrotate utility simplifies the process of administering log files. It relocates and replaces log files to manage their size and organize them while maintaining the information present inside them. For example, it will maintain seven log files to keep daily records for seven days. While rotating the log files, Logrotate deletes irrelevant old logs, … Read more

How To Use Grep Command in Linux

How To Use Grep Command in Linux

As the name suggests, grep or global regular expression print lets you search for specific text patterns within a file’s contents. Its functionalities include pattern recognition, defining case sensitivity, searching multiple files, recursive search, and many more.  So whether you’re a beginner or a system administrator, knowing about the grep command to locate the files … Read more

How to Change File Permissions in Linux

How to Change File Permissions in Linux

Linux works well as a multiuser operating system. Many users can access a single OS simultaneously without interpreting each other. However, if others can access your directories or files, the risk may increase.  Hence, from a security perspective, securing the data from others is essential. Linux has features to control access from permissions and ownership. … Read more