How to Fix LOS Red Light in Router

In today’s connected world, a stable internet connection is crucial for both work and leisure. However, it can be frustrating to encounter issues with your router, especially when you notice the LOS (Loss of Signal) red light blinking. LOS indicates a problem with the connection between your router and the internet service provider. In this article, we will explore the common reasons behind the LOS red light, and more importantly, how to fix it to restore your internet connection.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the LOS Red Light
  2. Checking Physical Connections
  3. Power Cycling the Router
  4. Verifying Internet Service Status
  5. Resetting the Router to Factory Settings
  6. Updating Router Firmware
  7. Checking for Hardware Issues
  8. Contacting the Internet Service Provider
  9. Using Signal Boosters
  10. Employing Network Extenders
  11. Understanding Interference Issues
  12. Relocating the Router
  13. Utilizing Ethernet Connection
  14. Upgrading Router Hardware
  15. Conclusion

Understanding the LOS Red Light

The LOS red light on your router is an indication that your router is unable to establish a connection with your internet service provider. This could result from various factors, such as a problem with physical connections, network interference, or issues with the ISP itself. Let’s delve into each of these potential issues and explore the troubleshooting steps.

Checking Physical Connections

The first step in troubleshooting the LOS red light is to ensure all physical connections are secure. Disconnect and reconnect all cables, including the power cable, Ethernet cables, and coaxial cables. Make sure they are firmly plugged in to eliminate any loose connections that might be causing the problem.

Power Cycling the Router

A simple yet effective solution for resolving many router-related issues is power cycling. Turn off your router and unplug it from the power source. Wait for about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in and turn it on again. This process can refresh the router’s settings and often resolve the LOS red light problem.

Verifying Internet Service Status

Before diving into further troubleshooting, it’s essential to check if there are any service outages in your area. Visit your internet service provider’s website or contact their customer support to verify if there are any ongoing network problems.

Resetting the Router to Factory Settings

If power cycling didn’t work, you might consider resetting the router to its factory settings. Keep in mind that this action will erase all custom settings, so proceed with caution. Most routers have a small reset button that you can press and hold for about 10 seconds to initiate the reset process.

Updating Router Firmware

Outdated router firmware can lead to connectivity issues. Check the manufacturer’s website for the latest firmware version for your router model. Follow their instructions to update the firmware and see if it resolves the LOS red light problem.

Checking for Hardware Issues

Sometimes, the router hardware itself can be faulty, leading to the LOS red light issue. Inspect the router for any visible damage or signs of malfunction. If you suspect hardware problems, consider contacting the manufacturer for assistance or investing in a new router.

Contacting the Internet Service Provider

If none of the above steps yield positive results, it’s time to get in touch with your internet service provider. Explain the issue to their support team and follow their guidance for further troubleshooting or to report any service issues.

Using Signal Boosters

Weak signals can cause connectivity problems. Signal boosters can help improve the router’s signal strength, especially if you have a large house or face signal interference issues due to walls and other obstacles.

Employing Network Extenders

Network extenders, also known as Wi-Fi extenders, can expand the range of your router’s Wi-Fi coverage. This can be particularly helpful if you have dead zones in your home where the LOS red light appears frequently.

Understanding Interference Issues

Wireless interference from other devices can disrupt your Wi-Fi signal. Keep electronic devices like cordless phones and microwaves away from the router to minimize potential interference.

Relocating the Router

Sometimes, the router’s placement can affect its performance. Try moving the router to a more centralized location in your home to improve signal distribution.

Utilizing Ethernet Connection

If possible, consider using an Ethernet cable to connect your devices directly to the router. Wired connections are generally more stable and less susceptible to signal loss.

Upgrading Router Hardware

If your router is outdated or doesn’t support the latest technology, consider upgrading to a more advanced model. Newer routers often come with better performance and improved signal strength.


Experiencing the LOS red light issue on your router can be frustrating, but with proper troubleshooting, you can often resolve the problem and restore your internet connection. Start by checking physical connections and power cycling your router. If the issue persists, explore firmware updates, hardware checks, and consider using signal boosters or network extenders. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to your internet service provider for assistance.


  1. Q: Why is the LOS red light blinking on my router? A: The blinking LOS red light indicates a loss of signal between your router and the internet service provider. It can be caused by various factors, such as physical connection issues or network interference.
  2. Q: How can I fix the LOS red light problem? A: Start by checking all physical connections, power cycle the router, and update the router’s firmware. If the issue persists, consider using signal boosters, network extenders, or contacting your internet service provider for further assistance.
  3. Q: Can outdated router firmware cause the LOS red light issue? A: Yes, outdated firmware can lead to connectivity problems, including the LOS red light issue. Make sure to update your router’s firmware regularly.
  4. Q: Are wired connections better than Wi-Fi for fixing the LOS red light problem? A: Wired Ethernet connections are generally more stable and less susceptible to signal loss compared to Wi-Fi. If possible, use an Ethernet cable to connect your devices to the router.
  5. Q: Should I consider upgrading my router to fix the LOS red light issue? A: If your current router is outdated or doesn’t support the latest technology, upgrading to a newer model might improve performance and help resolve the LOS red light problem.

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