How to Install Discord on Debian 12

Discord is a free and open-source voice and text messaging platform that allows you to chat with your friends, join groups and perform free voice calling. It is an online platform with different servers and each server offers different topics and groups. You can join these servers for gaming, music, memes or other discussions. Installing Discord on Linux systems including Debian 12 is an easy task and there are different methods through which you can install it on the system.

In this guide, you will find:

How to Install Discord on Debian 12


How to Install Discord on Debian 12

You can install Discord on Debian 12 from:

How to Install Discord on Debian 12 from Deb Package

You can install Discord on Debian 12 from deb package using the following steps:

Step 1: Download the Discord Deb Package on Debian 12

First, visit the official Discord website and download the Discord deb package latest release. At the time of writing this article, the latest version of Discord is 0.0.39, which can be downloaded from the terminal using the following command:


Step 2: Install Discord from Deb Package on Debian 12

To install the Discord on Debian from the deb package, run the apt install command with sudo privileges followed by the deb file name:

sudo apt install ./discord-0.0.39.deb -y

Step 3: Run Discord on Debian 12

After installing the Discord, you can run it on Debian from the application menu:

Note: You can also run Discord on Debian 12 from the terminal using the discord command:

Note: You must register an account on Discord if you don’t have an account, or simply use email address and password if you have created an account earlier. If you are login on Discord from mobile, you can scan a QR code and use the same Discord ID that is already logged in on mobile.

How to Remove Discord from Debian 12

You can remove Discord from Debian 12 installed through the deb package from the below-given command:

sudo apt remove discord -y

How to Install Discord on Debian 12 from tar.gz File

You can also download the Discord tar.gz file on your Debian system and install the application through it, this can be done using the following steps:

Step 1: Download the Discord tar.gz File

First, visit the Discord download page and download the latest version of discord tar.gz file. You can download the file on terminal using the wget command followed by the link to the tar.gz source file, as given below:


Step 2: Extract the tar.gz File on Debian 12

Now, extract the Discord tar.gz source file on Debian in the /opt directory from the following command:

sudo tar -xvzf discord-0.0.39.tar.gz -C /opt

Step 3: Create a Symbolic Link

You should also create a symbolic link of the Discord binary file inside the /opt directory to /usr/bin directory so that you will be able to run commands from anywhere. You can create a symbolic link through the ln command followed by the path of the original binary file and the desired file location:

sudo ln -sf /opt/Discord/Discord /usr/bin/Discord

Step 4: Add a Discord Desktop Shortcut to Debian 12

After creating the symbolic link, it’s now time to add a desktop shortcut to Debian’s application menu so that you can run it anytime. To do this, open the discord.desktop file from the following command:

sudo nano /opt/Discord/discord.desktop

Then find the line starting with Exec= and change the path to /usr/bin/Discord (the symbolic link you created). You can also download the Discord custom image from the Internet, place it at any location. Then navigate to the line starting with Icon= and change the path of the downloaded image file:

Now save the file after doing the changes.

You should also copy the discord.dekstop file to /usr/share/applications location using the following command so that it will be accessible from Debian’s application menu or launcher:

sudo cp -r /opt/Discord/discord.desktop /usr/share/applications

Once done, restart your system and then run Discord on Debian from the application menu:

How to Install Discord on Debian 12 from Snap Store

You can also install Discord on Debian 12 from Snap Store; this can be done using the following steps:

Step 1: Install Snap Daemon on Debian 12

You can use Snap on the system by installing Snap Daemon on Debian 12 from the below-given command:

sudo apt install snapd -y

Step 2: Install Discord from Snap Store

After installing Snap Daemon, you can use the command provided below to install Discord on Debian 12 from Snap Store:

sudo snap install discord

Step 3: Run Discord on Debian 12

You can run Discord on Debian from Snap Store using the following command:

How to Remove Discord from Snap Store on Debian 12

If you have installed Discord from Snap Store on Debian 12, you can remove it from the system through the below-given command:

How to Install Discord on Debian 12 from Flatpak

You can also use Flatpak to install Discord on Debian 12, this can be done using the steps provided below:

Step 1: Install Flatpak on Debian 12

First, you must install Flatpak on Debian 12 using the following command:

sudo apt install flatpak -y

Step 2: Add FlatHub Repository

Then add FlatHub repository to Debian from the below-given command so that you can install Flatpak packages on your system:

sudo flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub

Step 3: Install Discord on Debian 12 from Flatpak

To install Discord on Debian 12 from Flatpak, execute the following command:

sudo flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord

Step 4: Run Discord from Flatpak

Normally the Flatpak’s Discord appears in the application menu on the Debian system. However, in case you are unable to find, restart your system or use the below-given command to run Discord on your system:

flatpak run com.discordapp.Discord

How to Remove Discord on Debian 12 from Flatpak

You can remove Discord on Debian 12 installed through Flatpak using the below-given command:

sudo flatpak remove com.discordapp.Discord


Discord is a widely used social platform for communicating with people worldwide. You can install Discord on Debian 12 by downloading the Deb or tar.gz package from the official website. You can also use independent package managers like Snap Store and Flatpak to install it. The step-by-step guide to use official methods and independent package managers to install Discord on Debian 12 are provided in the above sections of this guide. Follow a method that best suits you and start using Discord by registering an account or sign in with the existing one.


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