How to Switch Boot Targets with systemctl Command

The systemctl utility comes with a range of options for monitoring and troubleshooting the services on Linux. Similar to other advanced features, it can also be used to set the boot target of the system.

Most Linux distributions come with GUI-based desktop environments, and by default, they boot into the graphical mode. However, there is another mode called CLI mode, which is less resource-intensive. If your system hardware is struggling in GUI mode, it can be easily switched to CLI mode by changing the boot target.

In this tutorial, I will be covering the boot targets on Linux, and how to switch them using systemctl.

Note: The commands mentioned in this guide are executed on Ubuntu; they will work without any error on any Linux distribution with systemd init system.

What are Boot Targets

The boot target is a .target file Linux, which defines the system state. In order to understand the boot target, it is essential to learn the system run levels. In the older init systems like SysV, the run level terminology defines the states of the system. However, in systemd, the run levels are changed to target files. Run-levels and their associated target files are listed in the following table.

Run Level Target Files State
0 Shutdown & Power off State
1 Starts the rescue shell
2,3,4 Starts multi-user non-GUI shell
5 Starts multi-user GUI shell
6 Shutdown & Restart State

The target files are located in the /lib/systemd/system directory.

How to Show the Current Boot Target

To get the current boot target file, use systemctl with the get-default option.

Or use the ls command with the -l flag, which indicates the long list format of the output.

ls -l /lib/system/system/

How to Switch Boot Target

To switch the boot target on Linux, the systemctl command is used with the set-default option.

sudo systemctl set-target [Target-File]

Replace the [Target-File] with the required target file name.

When selecting a target mode, there are two options available.

  • Command Line Interface – CLI Mode
  • Graphical User Interface – GUI Mode

The CLI, also known as the command-line interface, is a text-based tool commonly employed to set up web servers. It is simple and takes fewer resources. The target file that sets the CLI mode is On the other hand, the graphical mode is easy to use, especially for beginners, and provides a fully customizable user interface. The is the target file that sets the GUI mode.

Let’s explore how to switch the boot targets on Linux.

How to Switch Boot Target GUI to CLI

If you are using the GUI mode and want to switch to the CLI mode, the file will be used with the systemctl set-target command.

sudo systemctl set-target

A symbolic link will be created between and files.

After executing the command, reboot the system for verification.

How to Switch Boot Target CLI to GUI

To shift from a CLI to a GUI or graphical user interface, use file with systemctl set-target command.

sudo systemctl set-target

The next step is rebooting the system using the reboot command to boot into graphical mode.

You must have a display manager and desktop environment installed to switch from CLI mode to GUI mode. Otherwise, you cannot boot into GUI mode.

If you try to execute the above command without having the display manager and desktop environment, the system will boot back to CLI mode.

How to List All Target Files

To list all the systemd targets, use systemctl with the –type= option.

systemctl list-units –type=target


Two main boot options can be used to switch between the command line interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI). The target files and correspond to both interfaces CLI and GUI, respectively. To switch between these boot targets, the systemctl set-default command is used with the respective target file. If you do not have a display manager and desktop environment, you cannot boot to GUI mode.


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