Set Reminders on Your Android phone

Reminders are a useful tool for staying organized and managing tasks on your Android device. In this article, we will show you four effective ways to set reminders using the built-in features and apps from Google.

Using the Default Calendar App

  1. Open the Calendar app and tap the plus icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Enter the event name and select the duration of the event.
  3. Tap on the Reminder option and set the desired duration before the reminder.
  4. Press the back icon and tap the tick icon to save the reminder.

Using the Google Calendar App

  1. Open the Google Calendar app, tap the plus icon, and choose Reminder.
  2. Enter the task details and set the time and date for the reminder.
  3. Tap the Save icon to set the reminder.
  4. To modify or remove a reminder, simply tap on it and select the appropriate option from the menu.

Using Google Assistant

  1. Activate Google Assistant by saying “Hey Google” or “OK Google.”
  2. Command Google Assistant to remind you of a specific task or event, e.g., “Remind me to wash my car at 7 o’clock.”
  3. To view your reminders, say “Hey Google, open reminders” or open the Google app and tap on your profile picture, then select Reminders.

Using the Google Keep App

  1. Download and install the Google Keep app from the Play Store.
  2. Open the app and tap the plus icon to create a new note.
  3. Choose the Pick a date & time option to select or manually enter the reminder date and time.


Setting reminders on your Android device using the default calendar app or Google apps can help you stay organized and on top of your important tasks. Choose the method that suits your preferences and needs.

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