How to Add Extra Areas to the WordPress Editor

WordPress, with its user-friendly interface, allows you to create and manage content seamlessly. If you’re looking to enhance your editing experience and add extra areas to the WordPress editor, here’s how you can do it:


WordPress provides a powerful platform for content creation and customization. By adding extra areas to the editor, you can have more control over the layout and presentation of your content.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install a Custom Fields Plugin: To add extra areas to the WordPress editor, you’ll need to use a custom fields plugin. Plugins like Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or Meta Box are popular choices. Install and activate the desired plugin from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a New Custom Field: After installing the plugin, navigate to its settings or options. Create a new custom field by specifying its name, type, and any additional settings. For instance, you can create a custom field called “Additional Content” with a WYSIWYG editor type.
  3. Add the Custom Field to Your Post/Page: When creating or editing a post or page, you’ll now see the newly created custom field. Depending on the plugin you’re using, this might appear in a separate section below the main editor. Enter your desired content in the extra area you’ve just added.
  4. Display the Custom Field Content: To display the content from the custom field on your website, you’ll need to modify your theme’s template files. Inside the template file where you want to display the extra content, use the appropriate function provided by the custom fields plugin to fetch and display the content.
  5. Styling and Formatting: Use CSS to style and format the extra area content to match the overall design of your website. This ensures that the additional content seamlessly integrates with your existing layout.

Benefits of Adding Extra Areas

  1. Enhanced Content Layout: Extra areas allow you to break away from the default post/page structure, giving you more creative control over how your content is presented.
  2. Tailored Content: You can add specific content for different posts/pages. This is especially useful when you want to provide additional information, such as author bios, related articles, or call-to-action sections.
  3. Improved User Experience: By customizing your content layout, you can create a more engaging and visually appealing experience for your website visitors.
  4. Flexible Design: Extra areas enable you to experiment with different design elements without altering the core structure of your theme.


Expanding the WordPress editor by adding extra areas empowers you to create content that stands out and engages your audience. With the help of custom fields plugins and a few simple steps, you can elevate your content creation process and deliver a dynamic website experience.

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