How To Make A Table Chart In Google Sheets

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a table chart in Google Sheets.

How To Make A Table Chart In Google Sheets

Table charts are a great way to visualize data in Google Sheets. This type of chart can help you quickly compare values across different categories.

For example, you may have a table of sales data that you want to display as a table chart. A table chart can help you quickly identify which products are the most popular. Table charts also support sorting, allowing users to quickly access the highest or lowest entries based on a particular metric or column.

In this guide, we will show you how to make a table chart in Google Sheets.

How to Create a Table Chart in Google Sheets

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to create a table chart in Google Sheets.

Step 1

First, select the data range you want to convert into a table chart.

Step 2

Select the option Insert > Chart to add a new chart to the table.

In the Chart editor, click on Setup and look for the Table chart option at the bottom.

Step 3

You should now have a table chart element in your spreadsheet.

Step 4

In the Customize tab of the Chart editor panel, you can change various aspects of your table chart such as how the data is sorted and whether you want to show row numbers.

You can also turn on pagination to limit the number of entries to show at a time.

For example, if we set the page size to 10, we will only see the first 10 entries from our data range. We’ll need to click on the next page button to view more data.

This guide should be everything you need to learn how to make a table chart in Google Sheets.

Click this link to make a copy of this sample document to try doing it yourself!



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