How to Stop Apps Running in Background Android?

Background running apps consume more battery usage and more specifically affect the performance of the whole Android device. To avoid such cases, the user can stop the running apps and only use the apps that are necessary. The articles cover the following content:

How to Stop Running Background Apps on Android?

To stop the background running apps, two possible ways are accessible. Stop running apps from the settings, or apply a background limit. Let’s discuss each method in detail.

Method 1: Stop Running Apps Through Apps Settings

To stop running apps through app settings, consider the following steps.

Step 1: Open Settings

Open your mobile and open the mobile settings from the apps:

Step 2: Go to Apps

In “Settings”, scroll down and enter the “Apps” tab:

Step 3: Select App

All apps list will appear, look and tap on the unused application:

Step 4: Stop App

After that, tap on the “Force Stop” option to stop the app:

Confirm the action from the dialog box and tap “OK”:

Repeat the steps to top all running apps in the background.

The second way to stop the running apps in the background is by applying the background limit. It will restrict the app usage and improve the battery lifespan. To apply the background limit, the following steps are accomplished.

Step 1: Access Battery

Open the mobile settings, search for the “Battery” option, and open it:

Step 2: Enter Background Usage Limit

Next, tap on “Background usage limits” tab to enter:

Step 3: Enable Background Limit

After that, enable the “Push unused apps to sleep” option:

The background app usage limit has been applied.


To stop apps running in the background, two possible ways are accessible. First, open the app’s settings and force stop all unused applications. Second, apply the background usage limit under the “Battery” settings and restrict the app usage. This blog has revealed the methods to stop running background apps on Android.


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